By Don Wrightman
Obama drastically reduces remainder of whistleblower Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence
President Obama has commuted the majority of the remainder of Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence. Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking 750,000 military files, documents and communications which exposed worldwide U.S. operations to the controversial, yet informative publication, WikiLeaks. Chelsea Manning is a transgender woman formerly known as Bradley Manning. The former U.S. […]
By Don Wrightman
New cyber-intelligence leaks reveal US government targeting journalists
Wikileaks has published thousands of leaked emails from a US cyber-security contractor. Whistle-blowing journalist Barrett Brown was released from federal prison as a result, but the emails discussed targeted journalists and governments. In February of 2011, emails belonging to HBGary Federal were obtained by hacking collective Anonymous. Wikileaks has now published those emails in a […]
By Don Wrightman
Obama urged to pardon NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden
President Barack Obama is being urged to pardon NSA whistleblower Edward Snowen. Former members of the Church Committee wrote strong arguments in a letter addressed to Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch. They have been called upon to allow the former National Security Agency contractor to be treated leniently and return to his home. The […]
By Mary Wilder
Will there be another Snowden? The watchers are now being watched
It should come as no surprise at this point: the federal government is spying on all of us. Whether we’re persons of interest or not, they’re keeping tabs on regular, law-abiding citizens in an attempt to keep all of us enslaved under their ridiculous regime. While the courageous whistleblower Edward Snowden was the first to […]
By Mary Wilder
Flashback: Hillary Clinton whistleblower found hacked to pieces, stuffed inside duffelbag
At first, the now-infamous “Clinton body count” seemed like a darkly humorous internet meme. But after careful examination, many discovered the horrifying fact that it is something much more serious than that. Everyone who seems to have dirt on the Clinton family — or anyone who could potentially leak secrets about Bill and Hillary’s relationship […]
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