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The pathway to solving social media censorship – How President Trump can take on the tech tyrants
THE PATHWAY TO SOLVING THE SOCIAL MEDIA CENSORSHIP PLAGUE (Article by J. Burns republished from Remove Protections from Suit for Speech Tyrants In Tweets over the weekend, President Trump promised he would end ideological censorship on Social Media. As an attorney involved in these questions for years, I have some suggestions on how to […]
By Jayson Veley
Civil rights vs. public safety: Police are using Google to acquire detailed records of your private activity
The debate over privacy versus security is one that dates back hundreds of years, really to the inception to the United States itself. Ben Franklin, for example, once famously declared that, those who would give up their liberty for some security deserve neither liberty nor security. Others strongly disagree, arguing that surrendering some liberty is […]
By Mike Adams
98% of mass shootings occur in “gun-free zones” … why do gun control loonies refuse to protect their own children?
Abandoning all logic and reason, liberals have somehow convinced themselves that hanging “gun-free zone” signs in front of schools will somehow stop murderers from deploying guns there during mass shootings. Truly, you have to be completely disconnected from reality to believe that a silly sign is going to stop a murderer. Yet that’s exactly what […]
By Greg White
New ‘riot police’ robots emerge in China, armed with electronic shock capabilities, as the world moves to let machines establish order
Would you trust a robot cop over an actual cop? That is the dilemma Chinese citizens are facing with the debut of the country’s first “intelligent security robot.” The machine is a spinning image of one of Dr. Who’s notorious Daleks, and delivers an electric shock to keep rioters in place. It’s also equipped with […]
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