By Lance D Johnson
Did the Ninth U.S. Circuit just legalize OPEN CARRY firearms in all 50 states?
A three judge panel for the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court has ruled in favor of open carry firearms in all fifty states. Ninth Circuit Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain wrote, “We do not take lightly the problem of gun violence. But, for better or for worse, the Second Amendment does protect a right to carry a firearm […]
By JD Heyes
Armed citizen in OKC stops mass shooting with a concealed weapon, proving once again that armed citizens HALT violence
Without a doubt, more than a few customers who were eating at Louie’s Bar & Grill in Oklahoma City Thursday evening are grateful to be alive after a gunman walked in and started shooting. And no doubt more than a few of them are relieved that a good guy with a gun managed to kill […]
By JD Heyes
Good man with an AR-15 rifle saves the life of a stabbing victim, but you won’t hear about it in the American Pravda media
Anytime the so-called “mainstream media” does a story about an AR-15 rifle or similar firearm, you can bet a dollar to a donut it is going to be negative. That’s because the only thing such weapons are good for is killing people — and large numbers of them at that. Except, of course, when those weapons […]
By JD Heyes
Terrorists among us: Protecting yourself when threats can literally come from anywhere
People all over the world have watched their television sets in horror as France has suffered through terrorist attack after terrorist attack over the past few years. Hundreds of French citizens have been killed or wounded in these attacks, which have included the use of firearms, explosives and even large vehicles. France, of course, is […]
By JD Heyes
Secret Service investigating agent who intimated on Facebook she wouldn’t ‘take a bullet’ for Trump
The reactions to Donald J. Trump’s amazing win Nov. 8 over a thoroughly corrupt and compromised Hillary Clinton have varied from tears of joy, to tears of disappointment, to the outrageous suggestion by one Secret Service agent that she might not be willing to protect our new president. And now, her agency is investigating. As reported […]
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