By JD Heyes
Dem-backed bill would authorize Feds to purge U.S. military members, local police using “hate crimes” charges
The only reason why the Democratic Party has any voters at all is due to the fact that they are masters of political disguise. If the party’s members ever came clean about who they really are and what they really want — the literal destruction of our country — the party would quickly become extinct. […]
By Kevin Hughes
Act! for America founder Brigitte Gabriel: Preserving America and freedom should be our top concern – Brighteon.TV
For Brigitte Gabriel, founding chairman of Act! for America, preserving America and freedom should be the top concern of Americans. “We need to see more of each other, stand with each other, support each other, edify each other [and] lift each other up because we are fighting for our country. We need to bond together […]
By Lance D Johnson
Court rules against Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and his ongoing threats to restrict human activity, movement, and forced closure of small businesses
The 30-day emergency powers invoked by Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker came to an end on April 8, 2020; however, that date did not stop the power-drunk governor from issuing a series of restrictive orders on certain individuals, activities, and businesses. Like most tyrants that came before him, Pritzker controlled people’s lives by telling them he […]
By S.D. Wells
Make your fake protest sign for July 4th so the Dopey Democrats can’t make attending fireworks gatherings ILLEGAL
According to every Democrat in America, you should not step outside your house without your mask on, for safety and unity reasons, unless of course, you are protesting something anti-police or anti-Trump. That is the only time you are not susceptible to catching Covid-19, by the way. The entire mainstream (chemical) medicine community supports this theory, […]
By Mike Adams
Independence Day video message from the Health Ranger: America will be lost if those who hate it are not stopped
America is on the verge of being lost. The intense hatred of America by the intolerant, bigoted Left continues to accelerate by the day, with university professors, district court judges, media talking heads and left-wing legislators actively colluding to see America overrun and destroyed. (Yes, they hate their own country. They’re even triggered by the […]
By JD Heyes
After the wave of pro-liberty election victories across Europe, globalists blast Facebook for not doing enough to censor conservative voices… seriously?
Two phenomena are becoming clear throughout the West today: 1) More and more people, in the U.S. and Europe, are realizing that globalism is a loser; and 2) The globalists and their allies are going all-out to hold on to power even if it means destroying their own continents. In Europe, for instance, following years […]
By JD Heyes
Globalist Merkel calls for end of nation states… the New World Order agenda is now out in the open
Elites in Europe have been angling for an EU superstate for decades, but have yet to pull it off. And based on recent developments, it may never happen now. When the European Union formed, it represented major progress towards the globalist goal of creating an EU superstate where individual countries would be absorbed, de-cultured, and […]
By S.D. Wells
Ultra-rich Conservatives should start a new MASSIVE social media platform called “RightMedia” that protects free speech from deranged, authoritarian Leftists
As a complete and appropriate retort to the massive purge that’s happening to Conservatives on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Spotify, and Stitcher, a new social media platform should be called “RightMedia” and invite the 50 million Trump Twitter followers to join on day one, just as a massive jumpstart. One billion dollars should be the […]
By Ethan Huff
Ex-KGB officer warns in video posted at that communists are trying to take over the United States
Is there really a communist plot to subvert the United States, as American politician Joseph McCarthy and many others have long warned? Ex-KGB officer and former Kremlin propagandist Yuri Bezmenov, now an American patriot, explains how there absolutely is in an eye-opening talk posted to Bezmenov recalls how he was once among the many […]
By News Editors
Former Green Beret’s post blasting leftists for politicizing Niger goes viral
Special Forces veteran Dr. Mike Simpson isn’t impressed by the way the Niger incident is being exploited by liberals like Congresswoman Frederica Wilson as a cheap way of attacking Donald Trump. (Article by James Delingpole republished from Simpson’s thoughts on Niger are attracting a lot of attention on Twitter. Here’s what this ex-Green Beret […]
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