By Ethan Huff
The socialism that liberals love completely destroyed Venezuela – watch at REAL.video
Braindead leftists love to praise what they believe to be the merits of socialism, insisting that this model of government is preferable to freedom and liberty. But what these ignorant statists fail to recognize is that socialism never works, the South American debacle known as Venezuela being a case-in-point. In a recent PragerU.com video, available […]
By News Editors
Let’s join together to stop out-of-control prosecutors
U.S.A. (Ammoland.com)- At this unique moment in American history, liberals and conservatives have something in common: an abhorrence of government prosecutors run amok. (Article by Michelle Malkin republished from AmmoLand.com) Republicans are livid at the federal fishing expedition known as the Mueller investigation. Bit players have been dragooned into an endlessly politicized probe. The media has […]
By News Editors
The Left – Losing their minds & declining into violent response
U.S.A. (Ammoland.com)- At a recent Friends of the NRA banquet, one of the anti-gun protestors in a white pick-up tried to run over an elderly couple walking up to the event. Last year anti-gun protestors threatened to burn the Reagan Library to the ground with 200 pro-2A guests inside. These aren’t Antifa activists. These are housewives […]
By JD Heyes
Trump Justice Department ends “Operation Choke Point,” a program the Obama White House used to shut down gun shops
The Trump administration continues to wipe away the most authoritarian aspects of the Obama White House, including Friday’s dismissal of a Justice Department program that was often used to target gun retailers. In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee [pdf] the DoJ announced that it was ending all activities related to “Operation Choke Point,” […]
By News Editors
American Democracy: A Dead Man Walking
American Democracy: A Dead Man Walking Paul Craig Roberts Trump’s “sell-out,” as it is called, coming on top of Obama’s eight-year “sell-out,” is instructive. We have now had a Democratic president who sold out the people who elected him and a Republican president who has done the same thing. This is a very interesting point, […]
By News Editors
Trump is reaching out and listening to the people, something Obama never did
Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics. (Article by Tyler Durden from ZeroHedge.com ) It’s easy to miss things that do not happen. But perhaps you too have noticed a decline of trivial Trump tweets, starting spats and news cycles many mornings. Last week — are […]
By Mike Adams
The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff. The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long […]
By News Editors
Why Obama should be arrested for treason (article by James Bailey)
In a conference call with his supporters just a few days after Donald Trump’s Presidential election victory in the November 2016, President Obama expressed his desire to be “Organizer in Chief.” (Article by James Bailey from z3news.com) “One of the challenges that I’ve discovered being President is I would like to be Organizer in Chief, but it’s […]
By Randall Wilkens
The Left’s insane hypocrisy: Why no condemnation of Obama’s bombing of Muslim countries?
When Barack Hussein Obama took control of the White House in January of 2009, all across the country the left celebrated. The eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency had already planted the seeds for major national divisiveness and Obama’s promises of “hope” were welcomed and embraced wholeheartedly and without question. Guantanamo Bay would be […]
By News Editors
Total hypocrisy: Obama routinely bombed 5 out of the 7 countries Trump just banned, but the media said nothing
While the lying media is freaking out over President Trump‘s (temporary) travel ban for seven Middle Eastern countries deemed security risks, they didn’t give a damn about Obama bombing them. (Article by Chris Menahan from InformationLiberation.com) Though the media is currently in a tizzy because Trump’s executive order held up around 300 people at airports, […]
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