medical experimentation
By Lance D Johnson
Never forget: The CDC planned quarantine camps nationwide, sought to separate families and control community buildings
The rise of global medical tyranny in 2020 led to some of the most psychologically insane and abusive circumstances that people have ever had to navigate. If the brave and the bold had not steadfastly resisted the propaganda and the totalitarianism, then the world would be in a much different place today – oppressed by […]
By Lance D Johnson
Forced vaccination is REAL: Courts are now enforcing SEDATION to assault people with COVID-19 vaccines in the UK
The National Health Services (NHS) in the United Kingdom (UK) has been caught vaccinating a 30-year-old man with Down’s syndrome BY FORCE. For the sake of anonymity, the man’s name is being withheld and he is being referred to as Adam. Most disturbingly, the courts have so far green-lighted the abuse, claiming sedation and vaccination […]
By Lance D Johnson
Local government in Philippines declares that unvaccinated people are barred from purchasing FOOD
Human rights abuses are accelerating worldwide, as governments claim dominion over people’s bodies and minds. In the Philippine city of Lapu-Lapu, Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan signed a terror-inspired executive order that bans the “unvaccinated” from department stores, convenience stores, supermarkets and grocery stores. Individuals who do not submit their body to the experimental covid-19 protocol […]
By Lance D Johnson
Rhodes College announces plan to profile and discriminate against unvaccinated students, fine them $3,000 per year
Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee just released a new policy of segregation for the Fall 2021 semester. Rhodes College will violate the medical privacy of their students and require each individual to show digital proof that they were inoculated by an emergency use authorization (EUA) covid vaccine. If a student fails to comply, they will […]
By Lance D Johnson
Canadian government erecting a network of covid detainment camps and “isolation” sites to incarcerate those who don’t cooperate with medical tyranny
Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government are creating Nazi Germany-like infrastructure to detain human beings en masse, and for years to come. A brave Ontario politician named Randy Hillier spoke out about the government’s nefarious detainment plan in a provincial question period in front of the government of Ontario. His microphone was cut off as […]
By Lance D Johnson
Australian police can kidnap people for medical reasons and remove anything “including underwear” to forcefully administer vaccines
Australia’s Public Health Act of 2016 has been updated, and it is being put into action, unleashing medical police state horrors that haven’t been witnessed since the rise of medical experimentation on Jews in Nazi Germany. This Australian law gives sweeping new powers to law enforcement and other “authorized officers” to forcibly restrain, isolate and […]
By Lance D Johnson
New York State Barr Association proposes mandatory COVID-19 vaccine, in violation of Nuremburg code, medical ethics, informed consent
A chilling new report from the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) demands that all United States residents be inoculated with upcoming coronavirus vaccinations. The May 13 report, published by more than 24,000 lawyers, demands: “When the efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine has been confirmed, enact legislation requiring vaccination of each person unless the person’s […]
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