By Ava Grace
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court STRIKES DOWN 67-year-old ban on switchblade knives
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (MSJC) has struck down a ban on switchblades, which had been in place for 67 years, as it violated the Second Amendment. According to Newsweek, magistrates at the MSJC based the overturn on the 2022 New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen decision by the U.S. Supreme […]
By Kevin Hughes
Massachusetts town pushes VOLUNTARY LOCKDOWN after just a single case of mosquito-borne disease
The spread of a deadly mosquito-borne virus has forced state and local health officials to advise people in a Massachusetts town not to leave their homes after dark. The Board of Health in Oxford, a city of 13,300 people about 50 miles southwest of Boston, has set an outdoor curfew in hopes it will reduce the chances […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Organs for freedom: Massachusetts Dems propose reduced sentences for prisoners who donate their organs or bone marrow
Democrats in the Massachusetts House of Representatives have proposed a bill that would offer prisoners reduced sentences if they donate their organs or bone marrow. State Reps. Carlos Gonzales and Judith Garcia, the main sponsors of the legislation, said the bill would create a new branch of the Massachusetts Department of Corrections (MODOC), known as the […]
By JD Heyes
Potentially millions of first responders, police, teachers, healthcare workers will soon be out of a job over COVID vaccine mandates
Our country is still reeling from the still-lingering COVID-19 pandemic, but that’s not because the virus is such a massive threat to the survival of the human race. It’s because leftists in government at all levels continue to exploit the coronavirus in ways that greatly enhance their own power and authority, which is part of […]
By Arsenio Toledo
3 Largest hospital systems in Massachusetts implement vaccine mandate, nearly 130,000 workers affected
Three of the largest hospital systems in Massachusetts have announced that they will require their workers to get Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations. The three hospital systems in question are Mass General Brigham, Beth Israel Lahey Health (BILH) and Wellforce. Between these three hospital systems, they control over two dozen hospitals and even more clinics, community […]
By Ramon Tomey
Boston College pushing students to snitch on each other over coronavirus protocol violations
A private educational institution in Massachusetts is encouraging students to report one another if they violate public health protocols. Boston College students are exhorted to inform school authorities if any infractions of guidelines to curb the spread of COVID-19 occur. Minor violations such as improper mask-wearing can also be reported. The college has redesigned its […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats pushing to criminalize words they don’t like, while ignoring all the slurs they unleash against Trump supporters
Humans have characteristics that make it nearly impossible to ‘reach them’ — that is, change their minds about things in which they fervently believe — even with hard, cold facts. It’s the way we’re wired. We can’t help ourselves. Not to offend anyone, but that’s how religions spread: People believe in it with all their […]
By Jayson Veley
Gun parts CONFISCATION begins in Massachusetts as state to order “bump stocks” destroyed or turned over to government
Massachusetts, like most other liberal states across the country, is not exactly a state that believes in or respects the Second Amendment rights of the people who live there. Rather, Massachusetts and the leftists who run it believe as the vast majority of liberal democrats in this country do: That the implementation of more gun laws […]
By Amy Goodrich
State of Massachusetts caught using falsified lab tests in convictions; thousands exonerated after fake science exposed
Recently, the state’s highest court ordered prosecutors to drop a significant portion of the more than 24,000 drug convictions to resolve a scandal – where thousands of people were wrongfully convicted on drug charges in Massachusetts – that has plagued the legal system since 2012. For years, a state-employed chemist named Annie Dookhan has falsified […]
By Amy Goodrich
Massachusetts joins the list of legal marijuana states
If you are 21 years of age or older and a Massachusetts resident, recreational marijuana is now legal for you after the law went into effect on Thursday, December 15, 2016. Massachusetts is the first state in the densely-populated U.S. Northeast that has legalized the drug for recreational use. Despite the strong opposition from top […]
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