legacy media
By Jayson Veley
FACT CHECK: Mainstream media admitted in 1999 that Clinton’s “assault weapons ban” did NOTHING to stop Colombine massacre
In the wake of the tragic shooting that occurred in Parkland last month, the liberals are back to doing what they do best – calling for more gun control, and specifically, demanding that our country demonstrates “common sense” by banning the AR-15. If we could just get rid of these scary, powerful “weapons of war,” […]
By Mike Adams
Elaborate MEDIA THEATER: CNN gun control town hall relied on “scripted questions” … 100% staged … fake news theatrics
Yesterday, CNN staged a fake, scripted “town hall” on the Florida shooting, and to no one’s surprise, the entire event was scripted as “elaborate media theater” to push the Left’s radical gun control agenda. “Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Colton Haab said he was approached by CNN to ask a question at Wednesday night’s […]
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