By Ethan Huff
5 Global powers fighting to take over the world – WHO WILL WIN?
The world in 2024 has five global elitist groups, if you will, that are competing with one another for global domination. The question is: which one will win in the end? Back in the 1930s, there were just three groups competing: • The communist of Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin • The Nazis of Germany […]
By News Editors
Young Muslims in Germany and all across the planet now pushing for global Sharia Law in the latest alarming evidence the ‘New World Order Beast System’ will be ‘martial law’
According to this alarming new thread over on ‘X’ as also seen in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, young Islamists in Germany say Muslims will soon become the majority in Germany, upon doing so will immediately abolish the German Constitution & then introduce ‘Sharia law‘ all across the country. Claiming in the interview that anybody and EVERYBODY […]
By Franz Walker
Dr. Scott Lively talks Afghanistan and why Americans should be worried in his new show on Brighteon.TV
Dr. Scott Lively, the conservative pastor who once tried to run for the governorship of Massachusets, has brought his show Prophecy and Politics to Brighteon.TV. In his inaugural episode on the platform, Lively discusses the current events in Afghanistan and why they should trouble ordinary Americans. Lively has long positioned himself as a “full-spectrum conservative,” to […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Saudi Arabia to only accept pilgrims with “immunity” from coronavirus into holy city of Mecca
Saudi Arabian authorities have announced that they will only be allowing pilgrims who have “immunity” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to visit the holy city of Mecca. This new rule was announced on Tuesday, April 13, at the start of Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims. This is the month when they are known to devote […]
By Ethan Huff
Praying “in the name of Jesus” now labeled “Islamophobic” by the increasingly deranged, anti-Christian Left
The far-Left is having an absolute meltdown over a recent prayer given by devout Christian lawmaker Stephanie Borowicz of Pennsylvania, who dared to open up the legislative session by praying in the name of Jesus Christ – and was thus declared by Christ-hating Democrats to be “Islamophobic.” Mainstream media articles quickly spread across the internet […]
By Ethan Huff
Google, Apple APPROVE Saudi app that tracks women as slaves owned by their husbands, but bans independent media apps for being “offensive”
A digital tracking app that allows Muslim males who live in Saudi Arabia to keep track of their female “property” in real time is reportedly approved and available for download in both Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store – even as independent media outlets like Infowars and even Natural News that challenge mainstream narratives […]
By JD Heyes
Globalist Merkel calls for end of nation states… the New World Order agenda is now out in the open
Elites in Europe have been angling for an EU superstate for decades, but have yet to pull it off. And based on recent developments, it may never happen now. When the European Union formed, it represented major progress towards the globalist goal of creating an EU superstate where individual countries would be absorbed, de-cultured, and […]
By David Risselada
A Communist Pope, Clueless Liberals and a Truth Long Forgotten
Pope Francis has raised a lot of eyebrows when it comes to positions he has taken on many social issues. He has embraced Islam, homosexuality, refugee resettlement, wealth redistribution and the topic of global warming; all of which by the way, happen to be issues the far left argues in favor of. His latest public statement […]
By Mary Wilder
Criticizing Islamic terrorism now a “hate crime” in what’s left of the UK
The government doing everything in their power to protect the reputation of Islam is nothing new. In nearly every modernized country in the world, the federal governments seem to go above and beyond to make sure that only one religion receives special treatment. In nearly every modernized country in the world, that religion is Islam. […]
By Mary Wilder
Why is it considered ‘bigoted’ to defend women persecuted by Islam?
There’s no denying the ridiculous hypocrisies sweeping American society today. The brainwashed members of the Regressive Left have been shoving their ridiculous third-wave feminist ideals down our throats for years, while simultaneously refusing to address legitimate problems facing women across the world. It’s an indisputable fact that countries with sharia law enacted treat their women like […]
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