By Arsenio Toledo
Biden’s inability to control inflation makes him “worse than Jimmy Carter,” says Home Depot co-founder
Billionaire businessman and Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone has branded President Joe Biden a failure because of his inability to control rising inflation. In an an appearance on “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on Fox News, Langone said Biden is “worse than Jimmy Carter.” “This was a real serious case of inflation. We lost a whole year on addressing the […]
By Mike Adams
How to transform FEAR into CONFIDENCE as we face an uncertain future of food scarcity and dollar devaluation
Many people find this odd, but those who talk the most about the coming “doom and gloom” scenarios are usually the very same people who have the least fear about facing the future. Acknowledging the extreme events we all face — food scarcity, crazy price inflation, violent uprisings, etc., — doesn’t mean we have to […]
By News Editors
Now that they have tasted tyranny, the media, Liberals, big tech and social media want much more
There is a saying that “Absolute power corrupts absolutely,” and what we have been watching is wannabe dictators getting a “taste of tyranny,” and deciding they want to keep it. Throughout history we have seen the truth of that statement and the older “America” becomes, the more absolute the corruption. We note how insidiously tyranny and […]
By JD Heyes
CLIMATE LOCKDOWN: Globalists are exploiting oil price spikes to push for greater population control with “10-point plan” that includes bans on travel
The globalists, like the Democrat Party in the U.S., never lets a good crisis go to waste, using each one to push their agenda of suppression and population control just a little further down the field. In a “10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use” – a long-held objective of the globalists is to get rid […]
By Mike Adams
The global UPRISING begins: Fiat currencies melt down while food and fuel inflation unleashes SUDDEN POVERTY for billions (who will soon face worldwide FAMINE)
It’s happening more quickly than I had predicted. Although I’ve been openly predicting a global uprising due to skyrocketing food and fuel inflation — which is really just a representation of the collapsing value of fiat currencies — I was surprised to see how rapidly the revolt is exploding. Taxi and trucker blockades have begun […]
By Mike Adams
Flurry of active volcanoes will cause global COOLING and crop failures… global financial and political systems on the verge of catastrophe
Very few people are tracking this, but the number of active volcanoes that are right now spewing particulate matter into the upper atmosphere is extraordinary. This page on lists volcanoes that are active right now across the globe, and it numbers in the dozens. The La Palma volcano (Cumbre Vieja) has been so large […]
By News Editors
Is this the end of the republic?
We have a border crisis, an economic crisis, an energy crisis, a supply-chain crisis, a health crisis, a crime wave, a labor shortage, inflation, and stranded Americans still in Afghanistan. All of these problems were not only preventable, but were caused, created, worsened, aided, and abetted by a man in the White House who’s an […]
By News Editors
What will you do when inflation forces U.S. households to spend 40 percent of their incomes in food?
Did you know that the price of corn has risen 142 percent in the last 12 months? Of course corn is used in hundreds of different products we buy at the grocery store, and so everyone is going to feel the pain of this price increase. But it isn’t just the price of corn that […]
By Michael Alexander
Venezuela enacts strict price controls amid coronavirus pandemic, basic goods now priced higher than minimum wages
Amid a continuing rise in coronavirus cases, as well as burgeoning hyperinflation, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the return of strict price controls on basic goods in the South American country. Maduro made the announcement, which will affect over two dozen basic commodities, during a special broadcast aired by the country’s state-run television station. “I have […]
By News Editors
Venezuela was my home, and socialism destroyed it. Slowly, it will destroy America, too.
The first time I couldn’t buy food at the grocery store, I was 15 years old. It was 2014 in Caracas, Venezuela, and I had spent more than an hour in line waiting. When I got to the register, I noticed I had forgotten my ID that day. Without the ID, the government rationing system would not […]
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