By Mike Adams
The global UPRISING begins: Fiat currencies melt down while food and fuel inflation unleashes SUDDEN POVERTY for billions (who will soon face worldwide FAMINE)
It’s happening more quickly than I had predicted. Although I’ve been openly predicting a global uprising due to skyrocketing food and fuel inflation — which is really just a representation of the collapsing value of fiat currencies — I was surprised to see how rapidly the revolt is exploding. Taxi and trucker blockades have begun […]
By Mike Adams
Global crop collapse now a certainty… widespread famine to plague planet Earth from 2022 – 2024… it is set in motion and cannot be stopped
A convergence of horrifying events have set into a motion an irreversible collapse of food production and crop harvests that will lead to global famine all the way through 2024. These events cannot be stopped for the simple reason that plants take time to grow. You can’t create crops instantly, and if they don’t get […]
By Mike Adams
Flurry of active volcanoes will cause global COOLING and crop failures… global financial and political systems on the verge of catastrophe
Very few people are tracking this, but the number of active volcanoes that are right now spewing particulate matter into the upper atmosphere is extraordinary. This page on lists volcanoes that are active right now across the globe, and it numbers in the dozens. The La Palma volcano (Cumbre Vieja) has been so large […]
By Lance D Johnson
Maine ratifies food sovereignty rights into their state Constitution
Across the Nation, cities, municipalities and even rural towns have routinely voted to keep livestock out of city limits, dictating what people can and cannot raise on their own property. This has led to the persecution of raw milk farmers and other small producers. Some cities have even targeted and fined people for converting their […]
By Divina Ramirez
5 Tips for successful raised bed gardening
Raised garden beds are above-ground structures designed for growing plants. Often made from wood or stone, raised beds are both practical and economical. For starters, they allow you to grow more food in less space, tailor the soil exactly to your needs and control weed growth, all while reducing the need to stoop down. The practice of using […]
By Divina Ramirez
South Dakota farmers sue USDA over regulation of mud puddle on their land
In Miner County, South Dakota, a farming family is suing the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) over a mud puddle smack in the middle of prime farmland. Arlen and Cindy Foster are third-generation farmers living on land that Arlen’s grandfather purchased in 1900. Together with their daughter, son-in-law and six grandchildren, the Fosters raise cattle and grow […]
By Virgilio Marin
California communities learn to become self-sufficient with mini gardens
Cooperation Humboldt, a transition initiative in Humboldt County in California, is providing mini-gardens for free to help communities in the state’s North Coast become self-sufficient and achieve food independence. The organization initially provided free lawn conversions but decided to shift its focus later on. Tamara McFarland, a leader within the cooperation, was concerned that the lawn conversion project failed to reach individuals who would benefit […]
By Michael Alexander
Home gardens are key to addressing problems with food insecurity and lack of nutrition education, advise experts
Food deserts are an increasing problem in the U.S., but a recent study is seeking to alleviate it. Food deserts, according to experts, are areas that have limited access to affordable and nutritious food, making them the direct opposite of food oases, which are defined as areas with higher access to markets or vegetable shops with […]
By Zoey Sky
How to start a simple garden that can feed a family of 2 to 4
In these troubled times, preppers can rely on their stockpile of supplies and a survival garden in their backyard or homestead. But if you’re not a prepper and you’re worried about your family’s future amid the coronavirus outbreak, learning how to start a vegetable garden is one way to address your fears of running out […]
By Edsel Cook
The revolution is in your back yard: Become self-sufficient and start a home garden
Everyone should aim to attain self-sufficiency, especially when it comes to food. Planting a garden at your home is one of the best ways to start down the road toward food independence. Residents of suburban areas may start by turning their front yard and backyard into vegetable gardens. Combine square foot gardening and vertical gardens […]
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