global warming
By usafeaturesmedia
Climate change may not lead to more floods and droughts after all … 1200 years of data contradict global warming scare stories
Climate alarmists on the Left don’t want to hear it, and in fact want to punish – like, with fines and jail terms – anyone who disagrees with their claim that the world is burning up and your SUV is to blame. But in fact, some scientists are now claiming that their global warming modeling may have […]
By JD Heyes
Loretta Lynch admits that Climate Change deniers may be targeted with legal action by the government
How desperate are the Left-wing authoritarians in the Obama administration getting to push their global warming/climate change hoax? Desperate enough, apparently, to consider prosecuting anyone who dares to question their climate change orthodoxy, even if they do so with facts on their side. According to The Blaze, Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified before a […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Irrefutable facts about ‘climate change’ that the mainstream media refuse to discuss
( Left-wing ideologues in politics and the media love to discuss “man-caused climate change” as though it were “settled science” and no further discussion or debate is necessary. As such, it’s high time we moved on to the adoption of policies and regulations aimed at curbing this climate change, even if it means those new […]
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