By Thomas Dishaw
Bill allowing government to confiscate guns without due process introduced in Illinois
The state of Illinois, which already has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States, is trying to take their battle against the second amendment to the next level. This week the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear bill SB 1291, proposed by State Senator Julie Morrison. If the bill passes, it […]
By JD Heyes
Major Second Amendment victory as Chicago unbans gun ranges
How about a change of pace for a bit? In legal news not related in any way to the case involving President Donald J. Trump’s very lawful and proper travel ban of persons from seven terrorism-infested countries, Second Amendment supporters in the far-Left enclave known as Chicago just won a major court victory. As reported […]
By Mary Wilder
Under democrat rule, Chicago homicides are at a 20-year high
It was recently reported by that August was the deadliest month for Chicago in 20 years. Over the course of 31 days, 472 people were victims of gun violence, which equates to an average of roughly 15 victims every day of the month. 90 of those 472 died as a result. That is absolutely […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Hate-mongering ‘activists’ oppose ‘Blue Lives Matter’ ordinance in Chicago making cop assault a hate crime
( Only a group promoting hate and anarchy – and which many of its members enjoy the benefits of hate-crime legislation already – would oppose extending similar protection to police, firefighters and first responders who are assaulted, but that’s what it’s come to in Obama’s America 2016. As reported by AMI Newswire, a protest against a […]
By Mary Wilder
Future crime is now real in Chicago: police are arresting people before they commit an offense
Like the plot of a science fiction novel, police in Chicago are now arresting people for crimes they have yet to commit. Yes, it is just as unbelievable and unconstitutional as it sounds on paper — but it’s actually happening, right here in America. As reported by Zero Hedge, “The Chicago PD is using an algorithm […]
By usafeaturesmedia
The war zone that is Chicago is costly in more ways than one, but you won’t get many Democrats to talk about it
( It’s obvious that shootings in Chicago, once again on pace to set records, is costly in terms of lives. The mostly black-on-black killings and woundings on a daily basis is a disgrace not simply to the liberal Democratic “leaders” of the city but also to the so-called “black activists” who are always outraged when a […]
By Mary Wilder
5 Democrat-run cities currently descending into chaos from economic failure and bad politics
When it comes to the worst cities in America, there’s one major constant: democrats are running the show. Whether it be mass violence and murder or a complete economic depression and awful political choices, if a city is descending into chaos, there’s a good chance that that people in charge are democrats. 1.) Baltimore Baltimore […]
By Mary Wilder
Chicago: Man convienantly charged with murder after announcing police brutality lawsuit
Like something out of Making a Murderer, a man was charged with murder mere moments after announcing a $15 million lawsuit against the Chicago police officers who shot him seven times in a prior confrontation. Just after the suspect, 25-year-old Dominiq Greer, informed a roomful of reporters that he had never even been accused of […]
By JD Heyes
Homicides explode in gun-free Chicago
The genocidal killing continues unabated in parts of Chicago, as city leaders and police seem powerless to do anything to protect citizens in one of the biggest gun-free zones (for the law-abiding citizens) in the country. As reported by USA Today recently, the city recording 51 homicides in the month of January, the highest month […]
By Tim Brown
Mother’s Day in Chicago: 49 Shot, 8 Dead in 48 Hours
If you really want the reality of what the infringement upon the rights of the people are in direct violation to the protections outlined in the Second Amendment, you need look no further than the town where liberal Democrats like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah came from, Chicago. Over the Mother’s Day weekend, in a […]
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