alternative medicine
By Isabelle Z.
Naturopathic doctor forced to shut her clinic after wave of death threats and government regulator pressure… medical freedom is DEAD
A world-famous doctor who offered her naturopathic services for free was forced to close her clinic after the Philippine equivalent of the FDA went after her and she received a wave of death threats. Dr. Farrah Agustin-Bunch went to a conventional medical school, but the fact that doctors are encouraged to prescribe treatments to patients […]
By Isabelle Z.
Are you about to lose your freedom to choose homeopathic medicine?
Health freedom attorney Diane Miller recently appeared on the Robert Scott Bell Show to discuss the war against homeopathy, and her opinion about the FDA’s new draft guidance for homeopathic products is well worth a listen. Miller pushed forward a “safe harbor” law for natural health providers in Minnesota and has spent 30 years protecting […]
By Vicki Batts
Facebook PURGING all health freedom accounts in latest tyrannical effort to crush access to natural health, nutrition and alternative medicine information
The war on health freedom is raging on all fronts, with social media sites like Facebook making it clear that free-thinkers will not be tolerated. Facebook has been targeting conservative voices for a while now, but it seems that the censorship giant has added proponents of natural health and alternative medicine to their hit list. […]
By JD Heyes
Advocacy group urges Texas residents to sign health freedom petition to protect rights of patients, doctors
In an age where state and federal governments increasingly feel the need to curb health freedoms, a Texas-based advocacy group is asking residents of the Lone Star State to help push back. The organization Texas Right To Know is urging citizens to sign a petition demanding more transparency from the Texas Medical Board as a […]
By Isabelle Z.
YouTube goes to war with natural medicine as tech giant starts BANNING video channels for talking about herbal remedies
Naturopathy often gets ignored by doctors and the mainstream media, but people can learn about natural medicine thanks to independent news sites like Natural News. One place you won’t be able to hear about people’s successes with alternative treatments, however, is the increasingly corrupt YouTube, which has now taken to banning video channels that dare […]
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