News & Articles By David Risselada
By David Risselada
Forcing Change Through Chaos and Conflict
For years now I have been writing about the left and the dialectic in which they operate. As it seems our country is drifting further and further astray, the motivation to write just isn’t there because I feel like I am repeating myself over and over again. For instance, a story recently broke about the […]
By David Risselada
Reeducating a Nation of Deplorables
A high school in Manville New Jersey has suspended a student for preparing an anti-gun control report for a home work project. In fact, the school has ordered the student to undergo a psychological evaluation because it is believed by the liberal left that any position contrary to theirs is a sign of mental illness. […]
By David Risselada
No Fly No Buy, The Association of Ideas and Silencing the Opposition
On Friday, September 23rd, at the Cascade Mall in Burlington Washington, there was yet another mass shooting incident where at least four people were killed. The mainstream media, in an attempt to hide the truth, reported that the shooter was an Hispanic male, when in fact, he was a Muslim. This is just another in […]
By David Risselada
Thank You President Obama, For Proving Us Right
I would like to give President Obama a big thank you from all of us “conspiracy theorists.” For years now we have been warning people that the United Nations was plotting to institute a global government on the pretext that human beings were not capable of self governance and that they needed a global elite […]
By David Risselada
A Social Injustice Indeed
Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the National Anthem has kick started a string of similar incidents across the country. Not only are other professional athletes joining Kaepernick’s ridiculous protest, but high school teams are now refusing to show respect to the Star Spangled Banner as well. It has gotten so far out of hand […]
By David Risselada
The Acceptance of a Corrupted Morality is the Real Problem We Face
America has reached a place of complete desperation where the hopes of the future have been placed in the aspirations of two people-Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The wife of Monica Lewinski’s ex-boyfriend is by far one of the most corrupted and vile individuals ever to seek high office and Donald Trump; well Trump is […]
By David Risselada
Manipulating the Environment to Turn Patriots into Terrorists
As the government reports a major increase in job growth over the last quarter its ironic that a percentage of that growth is due to the increase in gun sales that resulted from the administrations push for gun control. At this point the American people understand that gun control is not about gun safety, it is about control, […]
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