The real national debt in America is actually over $200 trillion, and the mathematics point to absolutely certain fiscal collapse

The fraud goes so deep, it really boggles the mind. The bankruptcy Roosevelt fostered back in 1933, the receivership of the United States into the International Monetary Fund, and so much more. From the moment your foot imprints on to your birth certificate, or should I say bond trust document, you begin the servitude that, without a violent shake up of truth, you’ll go to your grave with. But the controllers aren’t interested in sharing the deep hidden frauds with you. They’d just as soon have you be a deer in the headlights ready to collapse under the weight of a $200 trillion dollar debt that has been forced upon your children’s children. That is, if we last that long.

But let’s just stick to the sticky surface of the matter. While the pundits prance about telling you that the word entitlement means SSI payments and Medicaid, no one talks about the war machine cost plus contracts, Pentagon fraud and the desperate need to control $600 billion to ensure drones, robotic soldiers and weapons for world domination. And that’s not even touching the black ops and off the books drug trade. When politicians – which are defined as poli (many) tics (bloodsuckers) – banter their propaganda, they pontificate a deficit of around $19 trillion. This is a meaningless number, really, although a number of years ago, I did read that a trillion dollars had been spent in destroying Iraq. The author made that number real by transposing it like this; one trillion dollars is a million dollars spent each day since Moses brought the Hebrew children out of Egypt. That should give you some perspective, huh? But $19 trillion isn’t even close. It’s more like $200 trillion and there aren’t enough years left to pay that off.  That’s why smart investors like Stan Druckenmiller, who, as a hedge fund manager, maneuvered  a compounded annual rate of a 30% return for over two decades, is saying we are headed for disaster.

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From Daily Reckoning:

“The disaster that Druckenmiller sees coming for the United States is all about changing demographics and entitlement spending. They don’t add up to a sustainable situation.

“In 1940, entitlement payments, which include everything from disability payments to Social Security to Medicare, amounted to just over 20% of annual government spending in the United States. Today, entitlement spending has swelled to nearly 70% of the annual federal budget.

“Things are about to get a whole lot more complicated. The 20-year baby boom that took place after World War II is now beginning to result in a retiree boom. By 2029, there will be 11,000 new seniors arriving every day and only 2,000 new adults being added to the workforce to pay for them. There is just no way that the workforce at that time is going to be able to fund the entitlements of these seniors… This is a case of simple math.

“Either tax rates increase in a massive way or the payments to seniors have to be cut significantly. The status quo doesn’t work. There just isn’t going to be anywhere close to enough money coming in to fund the payments going out.”

This isn’t new knowledge. Back in 2011, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, who served as a senior economist on President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers, was shouting the same alarm to NPR news:

“If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That’s the fiscal gap,” he says. “That’s our true indebtedness.”

Intense days are coming. Do what you can to get out of your own debt, strengthen yourself with clean food and prepare for difficult times ahead.


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