DHS declares war on Americans, labels Constitutionalists “terrorists”

Do you believe in the US Constitution and stand up for your inalienable rights as a human being? Are you interested in the principles of life and liberty? If so, then you may have already been lumped into the category of “Sovereign Citizen” by the DHS, FBI and FEMA. By holding onto some very basic beliefs and principles, you could be stereotyped as a domestic terrorist by federal agencies. The Department of Homeland Security, along with other executive enforcement agencies like the FBI, are actively engaged in profiling and hunting down what they believe are sovereign citizen terrorists.

Astonishingly, more than 300,000 US citizens have been lumped into this category of “non-violent terrorist.” Federal agencies classify these people, which could ultimately be you, as sovereign zealots “who refuse to recognize government authority in virtually any form.”

Virtually anyone who is interested in liberty, self-sufficiency and personal responsibility could be labeled a domestic terrorist. Anyone who is in favor of lower taxes or no income tax system at all is now targeted, according the FBI’s website. Additionally, sovereign citizens are stereotyped according to certain personal and political beliefs. Hold any of these beliefs, which includes belief in the Bill of Rights, and federal agencies can target you based on their unintelligent assessment of your viewpoints and lifestyle.

By defining certain beliefs as terrorist ideology, it’s as if the government is being used as a political weapon, a machine set out to silence anyone who dissents from the status quo. One belief that may get you lumped into the category of sovereign citizen is the understanding that US federal notes are fiat currency with no tangible value. According to federal agencies, “sovereigns” prefer precious metals as valid currency and look for opportunities to trade. This allows them to keep more of the fruits of their own labor — a wise choice in a system overrun by excess taxation.

Federal agencies also stereotype sovereign citizens as those who become violent when confronted by police. Sovereigns may not obey state or federal laws and do not recognize federal or local government authority. During traffic stops, police are trained to see nervousness, dissent and disagreement as a threat, as a potential exchange with a violent sovereign terrorist. Officers can easily escalate a situation when they are trained in this way. Officers can become violent and forceful if they think they have located a potential homegrown terrorist.

This means that federal agencies and local law enforcement are targeting people who have been abused by authority in the past, people who now know their rights, stand up for them and ask questions when they are confronted by authority.

This means that federal agencies are pushing the general population to comply with the status quo at all costs. Authorities are using this domestic terrorist targeting as a fear tactic to make everyone compliant and submissive to their power.

There are many times when it’s good to dissent, disagree and reject compliance, especially when authority is overstepping their boundaries and forcing their power in violation of your inalienable rights.

As Americans are turned against one another in this profiling and targeting mayhem, police can initiate escalating and violent confrontations between themselves and average citizens who may not even be trying to break the law at all.

In a DHS document, published by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), agents are directed to look for “extreme right-wing” ideology that could signify a “potential terrorist.”

The document states: “Extreme Right-Wing: groups that believe that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack and is either already lost or that the threat is imminent (for some the threat is from a specific ethnic, racial, or religious group), and believe in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism. Groups may also be fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation), anti-global, suspicious of centralized federal authority, reverent of individual liberty, and believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) also trains their agents to target anyone whose ideologies are similar to that of the Founding Fathers. In this video, an irate FEMA commando teaches that the Founding Fathers were terrorists and that this ideology exists today and must be stopped.

But what really needs to stop in America is the use of federal and police authority to target Americans for their beliefs and lifestyles. Stereotyping others based on their beliefs and then calling them domestic terrorists is a surefire way to welcome in a holocaust. Authority figures, who persecute and harass innocent people (all on mere suspicion of thought crime), are allegiant to a divisive system reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Stereotyping people with certain beliefs as “sovereign citizens” and “domestic terrorists” is no way to combat criminal behavior.

It’s time to for authority to leave those alone who are doing no harm to others. I speak this from experience, as one who was labeled a “sovereign citizen” by an entire police department after I stood up for my rights and spoke out about being harassed by their officers during a traffic stop.

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