Wondering how you can stop a mass murder?

Every time a mass shooting occurs, many people ask how such a tragedy can be prevented. It turns out that the answer is pretty simple: Armed civilians can curb these incidents, and this is something that is being proven over and over throughout the country.

According to AmmoLand.com, shooting rampages that are stopped by the police kill an average of 14.3 people. When the rampage is stopped by an armed citizen, however, that average drops to just 2.3 deaths!

Those 12 lives that are saved are people’s sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, wives and husbands. Anything that can be done to save even one life is a worthwhile effort, and several incidents have illustrated how a single armed citizen can save countless precious lives.

For example, a Pennsylvania psychiatrist shot a violent mental patient with his personal firearm after the patient shot and killed his case worker. It was then discovered that the disturbed patient had 39 more cartridges in his bag, which means dozens of lives were likely saved by one man’s action.

In another incident, a Portland bouncer who happened to be carrying a personal firearm stepped in when a clubgoer who was turned away returned with a gun to shoot a different bouncer and two other patrons. It’s scary to think about how many people inside and outside of the club could have been killed by the time police arrived.



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